Ahmed Hefny
Resume Publications Home


Welcome to my web-page. I am a software engineer at Waymo working on behavior prediction for the self-driving car. My work spans design, implementation, tuning and deployment of machine learning models to predict the behavior of other road users; as well as design and implementation of supporting components that run on the car.

I obtained my PhD in Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University, working with Prof. Geoffrey Gordon. My research focused on building better models for learning and control of dynamical systems, with the aim of providing practical methods with provable guarantees for learning to act and predict in partially observable environments. My research combined elements and ideas from predictive state representations, kernel methods, recurrent neural networks and reinforcement learning.

Prior to joining CMU, I got my BSc and MSc in computer engineering from Cairo University, Egypt. My MSc thesis was supervised by Prof. Amir Atiya. While working as a teaching assistant at Cairo University, I was also an R&D engineer at IBM Cairo Technology Development Center and then a research assistant at Cairo Microsoft Innovation Center (currently known as Advanced Technology Labs Cairo) with Dr Kareem Darwish.


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